Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chapter 6: Finally... College

Okay, I just took my CPE, finally got this shit over with. But let's all wish me luck in passing this so I won't have to take it again. Anyways, this will be a short chapter because my college life is boring as fuck...

Man, did time fly by fast! I can't believe I am a college boy already... Back being a freshman once again. It was hard to make friends since it's an "in and out" school. That means that people just go to class and leave. There isn't really a campus for people to chill. Well there is a hang out spot in the Atrium building in the ground floor, but that shit is occupied by the black people (not being racist). It is especially packed during club hours on Thursdays from 12:30-2:30. Club hours are the hours where no classes are in session. Even though you do meet new people and make new friends, it's almost impossible to see them around after that semester...

Well, my isolation was mainly due to me majoring in Liberal Arts. There are too many variations between each classes to actually meet and stay with someone you knew from the previous semesters. As I was wandering around in the Liberal Arts program, I was taking all these different classes. Wait, let me rephrase that, "as I was wandering around in the Liberal Arts program, I was taking all these USELESS classes." There, looks about right now. Half of the classes I took were counted as electives which means i wasted mad time... only if I decided my major earlier.

So the first two years were wasted, but fear not! I finally decided to change my major into Hospitality Management. For all of you that think this field deals with hospitals and medical shit, you can never be more wrong. This field deals with hotels, restaurants, bakeries, and tourism. This is an awesome field because you get to learn how to make different kinds of cuisine, bake various baking products, learning about restaurant operations like creating the menu and all the aspects of cost control, hotel operations and different job positions, and tourism (I don't know much about this subfield). So for all those people that are undecided in which major they should study in, why not try Hospitality Management? But let me make one thing clear: this is a people friendly industry, which means you will be interacting with many different kinds of people. If you are short temper or not a people's person, u can try it out maybe it can change you, but otherwise this is not the right major for you!

Let go get this money bosses!
Slim Thug- Boss of All Bosses

1 comment:

  1. Yea man, it's hard to chill in college. The ONLY reason i found people to chill with was because i lingered around the campus
